アニメ英語! 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 第1話 対訳
魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 第1話
「I first met her in a dream... Or something」(夢の中で会った、ような…)
# | キャラ | 英語 | 日本語 |
1 | まどか | That's horrible... | 酷い! |
2 | キュウべい | You can't help it. | 仕方ないよ。 |
3 | キュウべい | One person can't handle this alone. | 彼女一人では荷が重すぎた。 |
4 | キュウべい | But she knew that and came here anyway. | でも、彼女も覚悟の上だろう |
5 | まどか | No, this isn't right, it's too much for her... | そんな、あんまりだよ。こんなのって無いよ! |
6 | キュウべい | If she gives up, it's over. | 諦めたらそれまでだ。 |
7 | キュウべい | But, you have the power to change this destiny. | でも、君なら運命を変えられる。 |
8 | キュウべい | All this tragedy, all this destruction, you can change it, if you want. | 避けようのない滅びも、嘆きも、すべて君が覆せばいい。 |
9 | キュウべい | The power to do so lies within you. | そのための力が、君には備わってるんだから |
10 | まどか | I can change it? | 本当なの? |
11 | まどか | Even someone like me can do something to help? | 私なんかでも、本当に何か出来るの? |
12 | まどか | Can I really change how this ends? | こんな結末を変えられるの? |
13 | キュウべい | Of course, you can. | もちろんさ。 |
14 | キュウべい | Just make a contract with me, and become a Magical Girl! | だから僕と契約して、魔法少女になってよ! |
15 | まどか | That was a crazy dream... | 夢オチ・・・? |
16 | まどか | Good morning, Dad. | おはよう、パパ |
17 | パパ | Oh, good morning, Madoka. | おはよう、まどか |
18 | まどか | Mom up yet? | ママは? |
19 | パパ | Tatsuya's waking her up. | タツヤが行ってる。 |
20 | パパ | He might need some help, though. | 手伝ってやって |
21 | まどか | Okay. | は~い |
22 | たつや | Mama, mama! | ママ!ママ! |
23 | たつや | Wake up, wake up! | 朝ぁ!朝ぁ~! |
24 | たつや | C'mon, mama! | 起きて! |
25 | たつや | Mama, mama! | ママ!ママ! |
26 | まどか | Rise and shine!! | 起きろ~! |
27 | ママ | Urghhhhhhhh!! | |
28 | ママ | ......What the...? | あれ? |
29 | たつや | Mama woke up, yay! | ママ起きたね~! |
30 | ママ | What's happening in your world? | 最近どんなよ? |
31 | まどか | Well, Hitomi got another love letter. | 仁美ちゃんにまたラブレターが届いたよ。 |
32 | まどか | It's the second one this month. | 今月になってもう2通目 |
33 | ママ | Huh, if he can't say it to her face, he's not worth it. | ふん。直に告るだけの根性もねぇ男は駄目だ。 |
34 | ママ | How's Kazuko doing? | 和子はどう? |
35 | まどか | I think her new boyfriend's working out. | 先生はまだ続いてるみたい。 |
36 | まどか | She can't seem to talk about anything else during homeroom. | ホームルームでノロけまくりだよ。 |
37 | まどか | This week's their three-month anniversary, so I guess that's a record. | 今週で3ヶ月目だから記録更新だよね。 |
38 | ママ | Well, I hope they can make it. | さあ、どうだか。 |
39 | ママ | They're at a critical stage in their relationship. | 今が危なっかしい頃合だよ |
40 | まどか | They are? | そうなの? |
41 | ママ | If it's not the real thing, this is usually when it starts to fall apart. | 本物じゃなかったら大体この辺でボロが出るもんさ。 |
42 | ママ | But if they made it this far, they should be okay for another year. | まあ、乗り切ったら、一年は保つだろうけど |
43 | まどか | Oh... | |
44 | ママ | I look fabulous. | 完成! |
45 | まどか | I wonder which ribbon I should wear. | リボンどっちかな? |
46 | まどか | Really? | ええ! |
47 | まどか | It's not too flashy? | 派手過ぎない? |
48 | ママ | There's no such thing as too flashy, hon. | それぐらいで良いのさ。 |
49 | ママ | A woman can't afford to get teased 'cause she looks sloppy. | 女は外見で舐められたら終わりだよ |
50 | ママ | Hah, perfect! | 良いじゃん! |
51 | ママ | Your secret admirers are gonna get all wobbly in the knees. | これならまどかの隠れファンもメロメロだ |
52 | まどか | I don't have secret admirers. | いないよ、そんなの |
53 | ママ | But you should dress and behave like you do. | いると思っておくんだよ。 |
54 | ママ | That's a secret every pretty girl should know. | それが、美人の秘訣 |
55 | まどか | Hehe... | |
56 | たつや | Ah... | |
57 | ママ | Yay, safe! | セーフ。 |
58 | ママ | Now be good, and eat it all up, okay? | はい、残さないで食べてね~♪ |
59 | たつや | Okay! | アイ! |
60 | パパ | Hey honey, some more coffee? | コーヒー、お代わりは? |
61 | ママ | Uh... I better not. | あぁ…いいや。 |
62 | ママ | All right! I'm off to work, everyone. | お~っし、じゃあ行ってくる |
63 | パパ | Have a great day, honey. | いってらっしゃ~い! |
64 | たつや | Bye, mama. | |
65 | パパ | Hey, you're gonna be late if you don't hurry. | さあ、まどかも急がないと |
66 | まどか | Huh?! Oh yeah. | え、あ、うん。 |
67 | まどか | See you later! | 行ってきま~す |
68 | パパ | Have a great day! | 行ってらっしゃ~い |
69 | たつや | Have a great day! | いってらっしゃい |
70 | まどか | Good morning, guys! | おはよう~ |
71 | ひとみ | Good morning | おはようございます |
72 | さやか | What took you so long, Madoka? | まどか遅ぉ~い。 |
73 | さやか | Look at you with your cute ribbons. | お、可愛いリボン |
74 | まどか | You think so? They're not too flashy? | そうかな?派手過ぎない? |
75 | ひとみ | I think they look lovely. | とても素敵ですわ。 |
76 | まどか | My mom said that if a boy can't say he loves you to your face, he's not worth your time. | でね、ラブレターでなく直に告白出来るようでなきゃ駄目だって |
77 | さやか | Your mom is way cool, Madoka! | 相変わらずまどかのママは格好良いなぁ。 |
78 | さやか | I mean she's smart, gorgeous and successful. | 美人だし、バリキャリだし |
79 | ひとみ | If only I could make up my mind as easily as that. | そんな風にきっぱり割り切れたら良いんだけど・・・ |
80 | さやか | If only everyone could have your problems. | 羨ましい悩みだね~? |
81 | まどか | You know, she's right. | いいなぁ。 |
82 | まどか | I wish someone would send me a love letter some time. It'd be nice to get one. | 私も一通ぐらい貰ってみたいなぁ、ラブレター |
83 | さやか | Ah, now I get it. | ほぉ~? |
84 | さやか | You want to be as beautiful and popular as Hitomi here, don't ya? | まどかも仁美みたいなモテモテな美少女に変身したいと。 |
85 | さやか | I bet that's why you're wearing those ribbons to change your image. | そこでまずはリボンからイメチェンですかな? |
86 | まどか | That's not true! | 違うよ! |
87 | まどか | And my mom picked these out and... | これはママがっ! |
88 | さやか | You tricked your mom into telling you the secret to being popular, didn't you? | さては、ママからモテる秘訣を教わったな?けしから~ん。 |
89 | さやか | Well, I'm not gonna let that happen! | そんな破廉恥な子は~、こうだぁっ!♪ |
90 | まどか | No! No, stop it! No! | や、ちょ、止めて! |
91 | さやか | You're just too cute! | 可愛い奴め。 |
92 | さやか | I'm not gonna let you be popular with the boys. | でも男子にモテようなんて許さんぞ。 |
93 | さやか | You're mine, Madoka! Mine, mine, mine. | まどかはあたしの嫁になるのだぁ!はっはっ |
94 | Kazuko | Ahem. | |
95 | Kazuko | I have a very important issue to discuss today. | 今日は皆さんに大事なお話があります。 |
96 | Kazuko | So eyes front, ears open! | 心して聞くように。 |
97 | Kazuko | The correct way to fry an egg is sunny side up or down. | 目玉焼きとは、固焼きですか?それとも半熟ですか? |
98 | Kazuko | Come on, Nakazawa. I don't have all day. | はい、中沢君! |
99 | Nakazawa | I... I gue... uh... | え、えっと、 |
100 | Nakazawa | You can fry it either way, can't you? | どっちでもいいじゃないかと・・・ |
101 | Kazuko | Yes, precisely. | その通り。 |
102 | Kazuko | You can fry it either way! | どっちでも宜しい。 |
103 | Kazuko | Therefore, goes without saying that you should never judge a women's beauty by the way she fries her eggs. | たかが卵の焼き加減なんかで、女の魅力が決まると思ったら大間違いです! |
104 | Kazuko | Remember, girls, do not associate with men who refuse to eat eggs that have been fried sunny side down. | 女子のみなさんは、くれぐれも半熟じゃなきゃ食べられないとか抜かす男とは交際しないように! |
105 | さやか | I guess it didn't work out. | 駄目だったか? |
106 | まどか | Whatever gave you that idea? | 駄目だったんだね |
107 | Kazuko | And you boys, better make sure you don't grow up to be men who complain about how the darn eggs are cooked, understand?! | そして、男子のみなさんは、絶対に卵の焼き加減にケチをつけるような大人にならないこと! |
108 | Kazuko | Ahem. Well, now that that's out of the way, let's give a big warm welcome to our new classmate! | はい、あとそれから、今日はみなさんに転校生を紹介します |
109 | さやか | Uh, maybe that should've come first? | そっちが後回しかよ |
110 | Kazuko | Come in, Miss Akemi. Don't be shy! | じゃっ、暁美さんいらっしゃい |
111 | Everyone | Wow! | 可愛い |
112 | さやか | Whoa, she's super gorgeous. | お?凄ぇ~美人 |
113 | まどか | Huh? | |
114 | まどか | No way! It couldn't be! | 嘘!…まさか! |
115 | Kazuko | Why don't you tell the class a little bit about yourself? | はい、それじゃ自己紹介行ってみよう |
116 | ほむら | I'm Homura Akemi. | 暁美ほむらです。 |
117 | ほむら | It's nice to meet you. | 宜しくお願いします |
118 | まどか | Uh... Um... | ええっと、 |
119 | Kazuko | Uh, Miss Akemi? | 暁美さん? |
120 | Girl1 | What school did you go to before coming to this one? | 暁美さんって、前はどこの学校だったの? |
121 | ほむら | I went to a private Catholic school in Tokyo. | 東京のミッション系の学校よ |
122 | Girl2 | Were you in a club? How about sports? | 前は部活とかやってた?運動系? |
123 | Girl2 | Were you on any teams? | 文化系? |
124 | ほむら | No, not really. | やって無かったわ |
125 | Girl3 | Your hair is really beautiful! | 凄い綺麗な髪だよね。 |
126 | Girl3 | What kind of shampoo do you like to use? | シャンプーは何使ってるの? |
127 | ひとみ | There's something awfully mysterious about that girl, don't you think? | 不思議な雰囲気の人ですよね、暁美さん |
128 | さやか | Hey, Madoka, do you know that girl? | ね、まどか、あの子知り合い? |
129 | さやか | I could've sworn she was glaring at you when she was in front of the class. | 何かさっき思いっきりガン飛ばされてなかった? |
130 | まどか | Well, I'm not really sure... | いや、え~っと |
131 | ほむら | I'm sorry. | ごめんなさい。 |
132 | ほむら | I think today's been a little stressful for me. | 何だか緊張しすぎたみたいで、 |
133 | ほむら | I'm not feeling very well. | ちょっと、気分が。 |
134 | ほむら | May I please go to the Nurse's Office? | 保健室に行かせて貰えるかしら |
135 | Girl1 | Ah, sure. If you want, I can take you over there. | え、あ、じゃあ私が案内してあげる |
136 | Girl2 | Good idea! Can I come too? | あたしも行く行く |
137 | ほむら | Please don't trouble yourselves. | いえ、お構い無く。 |
138 | ほむら | I'll ask the Nurse's Aide to take me. | 係の人にお願いしますから |
139 | まどか | Huh? | |
140 | ほむら | Miss Madoka Kaname. | 鹿目まどかさん、 |
141 | ほむら | You are the Nurse's Aide for this class, are you not? | あなたがこのクラスの保健係よね? |
142 | まどか | Huh? Um, well... I uh... | え~っと、あの |
143 | ほむら | Would you please come with me? | 連れてって貰える、 |
144 | ほむら | To the Nurse's Office. | 保健室? |
145 | まどか | Um, I was... | あっ、あの…その。 |
146 | まどか | H-How did you know I was the Nurse's Aide for the class? | 私が保健係って、どうして? |
147 | ほむら | Ms. Saotome told me that you were. | 早乙女先生から聞いたの |
148 | まどか | Oh, right, of course she did. | あ、そうなんだ。 |
149 | まどか | By the way, the Nurse's Office is over to your... uh... | えっとさ、保健室は… |
150 | ほむら | This way, right? | こっちよね? |
151 | まどか | Huh? Uh, yeah, that's right. | えっ、うん、そうなんだけど |
152 | まどか | But, um... | いや、 |
153 | まどか | So anyway, how do you know your way there? | だから、その、もしかして・・・ |
154 | まどか | I mean, you're new here and all. | 場所知ってるのかなって |
155 | まどか | Um... Miss, um... Akemi? | あっ・・・暁美さん? |
156 | ほむら | Call me Homura. | ほむらでいいわ |
157 | まどか | Oh, Homura. | ほむら、ちゃん・・・ |
158 | ほむら | What is it? | 何かしら |
159 | まどか | Uh, nothing. | あぁ、えっと、その、 |
160 | まどか | It's just that you have an unusual name. | 変わった名前だよね。 |
161 | まどか | But not in a bad way or anything, I was just thinking how it sounded cool... for a first name, I mean. | い、いや、だから、あのね。変な意味じゃなくてね。その、か、格好良いなぁなんて |
162 | ほむら | Madoka Kaname, do you treasure the life you currently live? | 鹿目まどか、あなたは自分の人生が、貴いと思う? |
163 | ほむら | And do you consider your family and your friends precious? | 家族や友達を、大切にしてる? |
164 | まどか | Oh, well, I uh... Of course I do. I mean I-I do. | え、えっと、私は・・・大切だよ。 |
165 | まどか | My family and my friends, I love them very much and yes they're very precious to me. | 家族も、友達の皆も、大好きでとっても大事な人達だよ |
166 | ほむら | Do you mean it? | 本当に? |
167 | まどか | Absolutely. I couldn't lie about that! | ホントだよ。嘘な訳ないよ |
168 | ほむら | Good. | そう・・・ |
169 | ほむら | Because if that's the truth, then you wouldn't try changing the life you have or the person you are. | もしそれが本当なら、今とは違う自分になろうだなんて、絶対に思わないことね。 |
170 | ほむら | Otherwise, you'd lose everything you love. | さもなければ、全てを失うことになる |
171 | まどか | Huh? | |
172 | ほむら | Don't change. Stay as you are, Madoka Kaname. Stay as you are forever. | 貴女は、鹿目まどかのままでいれば良い。今まで通り、これからも |
173 | Everyone | Wow... | |
174 | PE Teacher | She broke the record for every school in this city. | け、県内記録じゃないの、これ? |
175 | Girl | I can't believe you can jump that high! | |
176 | さやか | She said what?! | えぇ?何それ? |
177 | まどか | It doesn't make any sense, does it? | ワケ分かんないよね |
178 | さやか | And there I was, thinking she was this awesome girl, but it turns out she"s a total psycho! | 文武両道で才色兼備かと思いきや、実はサイコな電波さん。 |
179 | さやか | Ah! I hope she doesn't think acting like a weird transfer student is cool. | くー!どこまでキャラ立てすりゃあ気が済むんだ?あの転校生は! |
180 | さやか | That's so MOE, it makes me sick! | 萌えか?そこが萌えなのかぁ!? |
181 | ひとみ | This has to be a misunderstanding. Are you positive you've never met her before? | まどかさん、本当に暁美さんとは初対面ですの? |
182 | まどか | Hmm... I guess the sensible answer would be "yes." | 常識的には、そうなんだけど |
183 | さやか | Okay, what do you mean by sensible? Either you met her or you didn't? | 何それ?非常識なとこで心当たりがあると? |
184 | まどか | Well, it's like... | あのね、 |
185 | まどか | You're gonna think I'm weird, but I first met her in a dream or something. | 昨夜あの子と夢の中で会った・・・ような |
186 | さやか | That's awesome! | (笑)すっ…凄ぇ~、 |
187 | さやか | An anime character in you's popping out, too! | まどかまでキャラが立ち始めたよ |
188 | まどか | Come on, that's mean! | 酷いよ~。 |
189 | まどか | This is really bugging me! | 私真面目に悩んでるのに |
190 | さやか | I got it all figured out. | ああっ、もう決まりだ。 |
191 | さやか | You guys knew each other in the past life, and the fate has reached across time and space to bring you back together again. | それ前世の因果だわ。あんた達、時空を超えて巡り合った運命の仲間なんだわぁ! |
192 | ひとみ | In your dream, what happened when you met her? | 夢って、どんな夢でしたの? |
193 | まどか | That's the thing. I can't really remember what happened in it. | それが、何だかよく思い出せないんだけど。 |
194 | まどか | All I know is that it was really strange and spooky. | とにかく、変な夢だったってだけで |
195 | ひとみ | If you want my opinion, I think it's entirely possibly you met Miss Akemi somewhere before. | もしかしたら、本当は暁美さんと会ったことがあるのかも知れませんわ |
196 | まどか | Huh?! | |
197 | ひとみ | You might not remember meeting her, but your subconscious certainly took note of it. | まどかさん自身は覚えていないつもりでも、深層心理には彼女の印象が残っていて、 |
198 | ひとみ | When you were having that dream, your subconscious simply brought up the image of her. | それが夢に出てきたのかも知れません |
199 | さやか | Seriously? That's a heck of a coincidence, don't you think? | それ出来過ぎてない?どんな偶然よ? |
200 | ひとみ | Hehe, perhaps. | そうね。 |
201 | ひとみ | Uh-oh, look how late it's gotten. | あら、もうこんな時間。 |
202 | ひとみ | Excuse me, but I really should be going now. | ごめんなさい、お先に失礼しますわ |
203 | さやか | Is it piano today or classical dance? | 今日はピアノ?日本舞踊? |
204 | ひとみ | Tea Ceremony lessons today. | お茶のお稽古ですが。 |
205 | ひとみ | Even though our exams are coming up, my mother still wants me to continue taking them. | もうすぐ受験だっていうのに、いつまで続けさせられるのか |
206 | さやか | Yeah, there's another reason to be glad I wasn't born a rich girl. | わぁ~、小市民に生まれて良かったわ |
207 | まどか | We should get going too. | 私達も行こうか |
208 | さやか | Madoka, you wanna hit the music store on the way home? | あ、まどか、帰りにCD屋寄ってもいい? |
209 | まどか | Okay. Something for Kyosuke again? | 良いよ、また上条君の? |
210 | さやか | Yeah, maybe. | まぁね |
211 | ひとみ | Have fun shopping! | では、また |
212 | さやか | Later! | じゃあね。 |
213 | まどか | Bye-bye! | バイバイ |
214 | キュウべい | Help me! | 助けて・・・ |
215 | まどか | Huh? | |
216 | キュウべい | Madoka, help me! | 助けて、まどか! |
217 | まどか | Huh? What?! | |
218 | キュウべい | Please, help me! | 僕を、助けて! |
219 | さやか | Huh? | |
220 | まどか | Hello? Who are you? | 誰?誰なの? |
221 | キュウべい | Help me! | 助けて! |
222 | まどか | Where are you? | どこにいるの? |
223 | まどか | Um, do I know you? | あなた、誰? |
224 | キュウべい | Help me! | 助けて! |
225 | まどか | Is that you? | あなたなの? |
226 | キュウべい | Help me... | 助けて |
227 | まどか | Homura? | ほむら、ちゃん? |
228 | ほむら | Get away from that creature. | そいつから離れて |
229 | まどか | B-But he's really hurt. | だっ、だって・・・この子、怪我してる。 |
230 | まどか | Leave him alone. | だっ・・・駄目だよ。 |
231 | まどか | Why are you trying to hurt him?! | 酷いことしないで! |
232 | ほむら | This doesn't concern you. | あなたには関係無い |
233 | まどか | But he was calling me! | だってこの子、私を呼んでた! |
234 | まどか | I could hear him calling my name! | 聞こえたんだもん、 |
235 | まどか | He was asking me to help him! | 助けてって! |
236 | ほむら | Really? | そう |
237 | さやか | Over here, Madoka! | まどか、こっち! |
238 | まどか | Sayaka! | さやかちゃん! |
239 | ほむら | Ah! Why is this happening now? | こんな時に・・・ |
240 | さやか | Now she's attacking you on cosplay? What's her problem? | 何よ、アイツ!今度はコスプレで通り魔かよ! |
241 | さやか | And what's that thing you're carrying? | つーか、何それ? |
242 | さやか | Looks like a stuffed animal. Is it alive? | ぬいぐるみじゃ無いよね?生き物? |
243 | まどか | I don't know. | 分かんない、 |
244 | まどか | I don't know why this is happening, but we have to save him! | この子、助けなきゃ |
245 | さやか | Where'd the exit go? | あれ?非常口は? |
246 | さやか | Where are we? | どこよここ? |
247 | まどか | I don't like this place. | 変だよ、ここ。 |
248 | まどか | Everything keeps changing! | どんどん道が変わっていく |
249 | さやか | Oh, crap! | あ~もう、 |
250 | さやか | What the heck's going on?! | どうなってんのさ! |
251 | まどか | There's something over there! | くっ、来る!何かいる! |
252 | さやか | This is some kind of joke, right? | 冗談だよね? |
253 | さやか | I'm stuck in a bad dream, but I am dreaming, right? | 私、悪い夢でも見てるんだよね? |
254 | さやか | Right, Madoka?! | ねえ、まどか! |
255 | さやか | What's happening? | あれ? |
256 | まどか | I don't know. | これは・・・? |
257 | Mami | That was close, wasn't it? | 危なかったわね。 |
258 | Mami | But don't worry, you're safe now. | でも、もう大丈夫。 |
259 | Mami | Thank goodness. You rescued Kyubey for me. | あら、キュウべえを助けてくれたのね。 |
260 | Mami | I'm very grateful. | ありがとう。 |
261 | Mami | He's a dear friend of mine and I was so worried. | その子は私の大切な友達なの |
262 | まどか | He called out to me. | 私、呼ばれたんです。 |
263 | まどか | I could hear his voice inside my head. | 頭の中に直接この子の声が・・・ |
264 | Mami | Ahh, I see. | なるほどね。 |
265 | Mami | I can tell by your uniforms that you both go to Mitakihara Middle School. | その制服、あなた達も見滝原の生徒みたいね。 |
266 | Mami | Are you eighth graders? | 二年生? |
267 | さやか | W-Who are you? | あなたは? |
268 | Mami | Oh, that's right. Maybe I should introduce myself. | そうそう、自己紹介しないとね。 |
269 | Mami | Actually, it's going to have to wait a bit. | でも、その前に、 |
270 | Mami | Please excuse me. I have to wrap this up first. | ちょっと一仕事、片付けちゃっていいかしら |
271 | まどか | Wow, amazing! | すっ・・・凄い。 |
272 | さやか | We're back! | も、戻った! |
273 | Mami | The witch managed to escape. | 魔女は逃げたわ。 |
274 | Mami | If you wanna finish it off, you'd better go after it. | 仕留めたいなら直ぐに追い掛けなさい。 |
275 | Mami | I won't mind if you take it this time. | 今回はあなたに譲ってあげる |
276 | ほむら | But I still have work to do here. | 私が用があるのは・・・ |
277 | Mami | You don't understand, do you? | 飲み込みが悪いのね、 |
278 | Mami | I'm telling you I'm willing to overlook this. | 見逃してあげるって言ってるの。 |
279 | Mami | Honestly, don't you think it would be best if we didn't do this right now? | お互い、余計なトラブルとは無縁でいたいと思わない? |
280 | キュウべい | Thank you, Mami! | ありがとうマミ。 |
281 | キュウべい | You're a lifesaver. | 助かったよ |
282 | Mami | I'm not the one you should be thanking. | お礼はこの子達に。 |
283 | Mami | They saved you. I was just passing by. | 私は通り掛かっただけだから |
284 | キュウべい | Thank you very much! | どうもありがとう。 |
285 | キュウべい | My name's Kyubey. | 僕の名前はキュゥべえ! |
286 | まどか | Were you the one who was calling for help? | あなたが私を呼んだの? |
287 | キュウべい | That's right, Madoka Kaname. | そうだよ、鹿目まどか。 |
288 | キュウべい | And Sayaka Miki. | それと、美樹さやか |
289 | さやか | Whoa, hang on a sec. | |
290 | さやか | How do you know our names? | なんで、あたし達の名前を? |
291 | キュウべい | I came here because I have a favor to ask of you both. | 僕、君達にお願いがあって来たんだ |
292 | まどか | Huh? What do you mean? | お・・・お願い? |
293 | キュウべい | I want you to make contracts with me and become magical girls! | 僕と契約して、魔法少女になって欲しいんだ! |
294 | --- | --- | --- |
295 | キュウべい | I will grant each of you one wish, any wish you desire. | 僕は君達の願い事を何でも一つ叶えてあげる |
296 | さやか | Huh? For reals? | へ?本当? |
297 | まどか | Anything at all? | 願い事って・・・ |
298 | キュウべい | Anything at all. | 何だって構わない |
299 | キュウべい | I can grant the most impossible of miracles! | どんな奇跡だって起こしてあげられるよ |
300 | まどか | That would be truly wonderful. | それはとっても嬉しいなって |